年岁 / Age

Hanxue Jiang (translation by Dingzhong Ding)

“After a long journey, recognizable still.”

This is false: ghosts travel a thousand miles. 

So we imagine losing

The time of our skulls   perusing a dictionary

Made of mirrors   behind a vacant

Name   putting down a dagger as a bookmark

(How long until we become perishable

Until we, in an instance, pass through the Underside)

You look for water in water   I, sand in sand

On the skin of conifers   tally the pins of snow

Into an expired field   sow a night and a constellation of stars

A wish made on a path shrouded by the hereafter:

Let pomegranate flowers sleep in paper caskets

Let Qinghai Lake cross a bridge of salt 

On the staircase sleeps a horse we never mounted

In the drawer stands a boat we never boarded

A promise slimmed into a page of legends

We stagnate   then return

To the river’s beginning;   in the same story

Your ghost is fresh   I borrow a knife and a life

In the paralipsis of the wild   sail through like wind




头颅的时间 翻阅镜子

制成的字典 在不存在的

名字后面 放下一枚匕首的书签



你自水间觅水 我于沙中寻沙

在松柏的皮肤上 清点雪的针脚

在死亡的田里 耕种夜晚和星群







我们留在原地 再次踏入


你的鬼魂清新 我借来刀和生命

在原野的省叙里 如风穿行

Hanxue Jiang is from China and is currently studying creative writing at The College. She writes poems and short stories in Chinese and English. She is the winner of UChicago’s Ron Offen Poetry Prize series for 2024 and 00s Poets Society’s 2023 International Bilingual Poetry Prize.

Dingzhong Ding is a writer from Shanghai, China. An alumnus of the Iowa Young Writers' Studio, he focuses on poetry and sometimes meddles in translation work. He is interested in second-language acquisition and East Asian diaspora culture. Though he rarely writes any, he serves as editor-in-chief for a local creative non-fiction journal, Living Chronicles.